Chirofit Wellness Center

Custom Orthotics

At Chirofit Wellness Center, our approach begins with a detailed orthotics exam.
During this process, we assess your individual balance and posture
profile, allowing us to customize the orthotics to aide in support,
alignment, and overall body mechanics.

Custom Orthotics

How Sports Medicine Works

The foot—specifically the arch—plays two vital roles in the body: Alignment of the lower extremities and shock absorption as you walk or run. Chirofit Wellness Center’s customized orthotics are designed to align your lower extremities and support your arch providing optimal shock absorption. Orthotics can help to alleviate many foot and knee problems such as plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, foot pain, heel pain, and calf and knee dysfunction.

Traditional orthotics are typically “customized” by making a mold, cast, or scan of your foot. Although these orthotics provide support, in many cases they do not address lower body alignment or maximize shock absorption when you step.

Our Measuring and Adjustment Process

At Chirofit Wellness Center in Cedar Park, our certified chiropractic extremity practitioner Dr. Mo Jahadi will perform a detailed examination of your feet.  First, he maps the calluses on the bottom of your feet. By assessing the presence and location of these calluses, he can determine your gait and evaluate whether you are walking and moving correctly. Dr. Mo then evaluates each individual bone in your foot to check for lack of motion and misalignments. If problems are found, he will adjust those bones into proper alignment. Once the bones are in perfect alignment he measures the arch angles, by stabilizing the foot and heel at the optimal angle for maximum shock absorption.  Dr. Mo will place your feet in a neutral position and measure the medial, and posterior arches of your feet. This process ensures that your feet, knees, and hips are in their strongest position, which will increase your overall stability and decrease repeat stress on the lower extremity, pelvis, and spine.

We Can Help

All areas of the body are interconnected. Without lower extremity stability, you cannot have lasting pelvis and therefore, spinal stability is impossible. If you’re suffering from knee or foot pain, or under chiropractic care and get relief but are not holding your adjustments well between visits, we can help. Dr. Mo and Chirofit Wellness will take the time to evaluate your current conditions and injuries, creating customized orthotics tailored to your lifestyle and specific needs. For more information on orthotics or to schedule an in-person consultation, please contact us at Chirofit Wellness Center in Cedar Park, TX at 512-531-9100.

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